Thursday, June 21, 2012

that man for you..

I used to look at you by afar, try to ask you "what is happening to me?". Why cant i stop thinking about you?....
We are together now, more than two years since that most wonderful night i ever felt..the moment when you said "if you say so", that you are 200% fall for me too. God knows, i was the happiest man on the planet at that time..and still is, baby.
i'm loving you in the way that no one can explain, not even me. I have a very deep feeling, and i've placed my love towards you in the deepest part of my heart. Your loving heart, the way you carry yourself and the ones you love, the way when you are mad with me, all these things earns a very special part in my memories of you..of us. 
I'm sorry that i always hurting you for the way i am. I'm still trying to make myself a man that deserves to be called your lawful husband...but you are hurt, countless time. You are afraid for not understanding me, and i wish that i can show you my heart, the heart that i use to place my love to you.
I want to show you the wonderful world that i've imagined for us to be, our world. I love you, and i want you to be happy..with me.
I cant ever let you go..and if i am to, that means i have found a better man for you..a man that can take care of you better than me, a man that can loves you as much as me, a man that can always show you the happiness in the world, a man that always be there for you..the man that was in your dream, the man that you want to be married.
 I wish nothing but happiness for you my love, and i'm praying that i can be that man for you, and if not all, at least i can be that man that you gladly call your husband with love..i pray to God that it is me...

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