Tuesday, June 14, 2011


hahaha..i'm in!

well, dear readers, there might be something strange about this post but lets just put it aside first, OK and please enjoy reading the rest...ooo..this is going to be fun (and risky). Why???you'll know..later..but first ^____^

Questions that must be answered if you think that you love someone so much :-

1. Are you happy when she's/he's around?
2. Is she/he happy when you're around? does it matters to you?why?
3. what are the things that makes her/him happy?
4. do you always want him/her to know what makes you happy?
3. Does it feel bad when she/he is sad?
5. Does it feel bad when she/he makes you sad?
6. Lets just say that the two if you got married, and then, it happens that both of you could not get children of your own. How does it feel if she/he is the cause?how does it feel if you are the cause?what would you do?will your loves fade?
7.Lets say after few years of marriage, she/he is diagnosed with serious illness that leaves him/her with thin chances of surviving, what would you do? will you take good care of her/him?
8. Too much sadness..OK..now, lets say that both of you are excel in your careers and both are busy with work. You can barely see each other. Will your love fade?
9. If you are a man, this question is especially for you...your wife is pregnant and she is full of hormonic changes (i don't even know the right terms for this.hahaha)..well, she used to love your smell and love being around you...ready to be with you at any time but now, when she's pregnant, she hates your smell and she can't even stand being around you.maybe worst,she might leave you sleeping on a couch for 9 months..what would do?
10. Things might not be the same for the rest of the day (ku sangka panas hingga ke petang, rupanya hujan di tengah hari)...if there are obstacles, much larger than you imagine, will you promise to hold his/her hand till the end?will you keep that promise?

11. Will you sacrifice everything for him/her?...dear readers..this one last question, to me is the toughest to answer..some say 'naaahh..that's easy.of course i'll sacrifice everything for him/her. I love him/her so very much'...well, in reality, sometimes, there are things that we cannot give away..
there was a book i read few years ago. i'm sorry i do not remember the title and the author but there's a phrase that i remember till now...here it goes. (i dont remember the exact sentence but the one that is written below carries the same meaning.)

"Apabila sebuah kapal karam dan semua penumpangnya sudah jatuh ke dalam laut, seorang ibu juga mungkin akan menolak kepala anaknya ke dalam laut supaya dirinya dapat menujah dirinya ke atas dan bernafas sebelum terjatuh semula ke dalam laut"...maybe right after that she'll push her child upawards so that her child could breathe...hmmm...could it be like Jack and Rose in Titanic???if Rose loves Jack so much, why didnt her let Jack climb onto the plane and let herself drown in the sea??well..that's a different story...

I myself find it is hard to answer the question because there is selfishness in me..there are things that i'm not willing to sacrifice..yet..for the one that i love even when i love that person more than i love myself...cliche...i know...dear..im sorry for that..you are ready to leave everything behind and be there for me all the time..you take as who i am...i guess, my love is never enough to pay your love back...
i guess, my writing is 'kucar-kacir' again (hahahaha)...but the point is, i want you to know that i appreciate everything that you have done for me and i am grateful that i have found you...and i'm sorry that i am not perfect >.<

-well...this post is written by hunny <3<3<3-
(hacking again... :P)

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