Wednesday, September 12, 2012

That woman for you

And if what you seek from a woman is perfection, that woman is definitely not me.

with love

Friday, September 7, 2012

Pergi Kursus Pra-Nikah

Hye there..

Apa tek?mestila ada gik. But first, stop smiling. Unless there is no one around, especially your goofy and super crazy kind hearted friends>.<..then you can smile..lebar sampai telinga pun xpa.
Tomorrow, I'll be attending pre-marriage course..To be honest, Im just a little excited. Ok, more than just a little excited. No, pretty much excited ^__^...ok, you're right, I am VERY excited. Im sure there are soooo many things that i will have to learn, understand and remember. So, Im going be very focus...(wahaha,super semangat for tomorrow and the day after). 

Hehehe, sekadar gambar hiasan. I'll share everything I learn, with you...errr...on secnd thought, xmokla.Pergi sendiri>.< Wahahaha, daa for now ^^

With love

Saturday, September 1, 2012

I love you 
hye, you're doing what? I guess you must be busy completing assignments is not it? I know, because since the morning there was only one text message from you :) I understand. I want to make you happy in my own way. So, once again I 'bother' your blog so that one day you can read it with a sweet smile. Plus I was having fun playing with my new google translator jumpa.hahaha ... I know, I'm a bit behind but write something and have someone to help you interpret it into a foreign language makes me feel excited. You certainly can not imagine how my Melayu writing that makes the translation is like this. Actually, I was trying to translate the abstract. However, the result was not as I expected. Results are the same as this. I laughed many times when everything is translated into English. One word alone can be used to describe it. "Timmy". I know, abstract writing should be so but of course there is no excitement. You know I'm a person who likes to play around. There are also words that can not be translated by Mr. Translator's. at least it is software that is not so boring. I am alone here with tasks that are not yet ready so I decided to play around for a while. After all, I just spent time should be used to wash clothes. Hey, do not think I do not do laundry. I'm just not doing it>. <... Or do you want to do to me? Hehehe .. I just joking dear.I am happy to do this and I hope you are also happy to read it. Do not be angry and do not care ... I'll berhenti.hehehe .. this was a really fun>. <... And for your information, I also did not change anything that has been translated. Oh yes, I write in English :) hehehewho loves you-Hunny-

Below, is the one that I wrote. Above, is the translation by Mr. GT (Google Translator)


saya mencintai anda
hye, anda sedang berbuat apa? saya rasa anda mesti sedang sibuk menyiapkan tugasan bukan? Saya tahu, kerana sejak pagi hanya ada satu sahaja mesej teks daripada anda :) saya memahaminya. saya mahu membuatkan anda gembira dengan cara saya sendiri. Jadi, sekali lagi saya 'mengganggu' blog anda supaya pada suatu hari anda boleh membacanya dengan senyum lebar yang manis. Tambahan pula saya sedang berseronok bermain dengan google translator yang baru saya jumpa.hahaha...saya tahu, saya agak ketinggalan tetapi menulis sesuatu dan mempunyai seseorang yang membantu anda mentafsirkannya ke dalam bahasa asing membuatkan saya rasa teruja. Anda pasti tidak dapat membayangkan bagaimanakah penulisan Bahasa Melayu saya yang membuatkan hasil terjemahannya adalah seperti ini.  Sebenarnya, saya sedang cuba untuk menterjemah abstrak. Namun begitu, hasilnya tidak seperti yang saya harapkan. Hasilnya sama seperti ini. Saya ketawa berkali-kali apabila semuanya diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Satu perkataan sahaja yang dapat digunakan untuk menggambarkannya."SKEMA". Saya tahu, penulisan abstrak sepatutnya begitu tetapi sudah tentu tidak ada keseronokan. Anda tahu saya seorang yang suka bermain-main. Ada juga perkataan yang tidak dapat diterjemahkan oleh Encik Translator ini. sekurang-kurangnya ianya adalah perisian yang tidak begitu membosankan. Saya bersendirian di sini dengan tugasan yang masih belum siap jadi saya membuat keputusan untuk bermain-main sebentar. Lagipun, saya cuma menghabiskan masa yang sepatutnya digunakan untuk mencuci pakaian. Hey, jangan fikir saya tidak mencuci pakaian. Saya cuma belum melakukannya>.<...atau adakah anda mahu melakukannya untuk saya?hehehe..saya bergurau sahaja sayang.
Saya gembira melakukan ini dan saya amat berharap agar anda juga gembira membacanya. Jangan marah ya sayang...dan jangan harap saya akan berhenti.hehehe..ini memang benar-benar menyeronokkan >.<...dan untuk pengetahuan anda juga, saya langsung tidak mengubah apa-apa yang telah diterjemahkan. Oh ya, saya menulis dalam Bahasa Melayu :)hehehe

yang mencintai anda

Hi there ^___^
You've been busy with assignment, less texting and less talking. I miss you and every time I do, I'll do something like this...well, after all I'm your hunny.Hehehe..not sure huh?Ok, try this, we both ate cornetto chocolate blackforest ice-cream. and you taught me how to park a car properly..(I was sooooo nervous)..We bought them at Sin Chan..not the car, the ice cream>.<
Naaa...i am your hunny what..hehehe...besides, who else knows your passwords??? me only^___^ and God...or maybe some intelligence...(there goes my 'loyar buruk')
I miss you and I know that you miss me too..I am not far from you, a few meters away to be exact but I can hardly see you. in fact, i can't see you at all. Well, this is what happen when we are still an unmarried couple..(counting the days now.hehehe)..
I know that I should be busy doing assignment but my head is spinning and I miss you so...and do not say that I am lazy because I am not. I am only the thoughts of you, my penguin>.<, take all the blame for me.huh(kidding >.<)
The date today is 1st September 2012...we have less than 11 weeks left before we leave our sweet little place..I am going to miss you more than this...
All those time, lets make it is not about how many time we go out on a date or how many time we walk side by side. It is also not about how many movies we watch before graduation. It is all about filling all the times with meaningful memories and those things that can keep our love strong even when we are far apart...Im not with you right now. But I am doing this, I am writing this because this is the time that I want to preserve. The time that I know very well as the time when my love for you is strong. And also the time when I felt very happy because just now I received a simple text message from you saying that you love me...and when you read this entr,y today, tomorrow or maybe some time in the future, you'll think of me and all the memories that we've created today and yesterdays...
loving you always..
Hunny <3<3<3

Thursday, June 21, 2012

that man for you..

I used to look at you by afar, try to ask you "what is happening to me?". Why cant i stop thinking about you?....
We are together now, more than two years since that most wonderful night i ever felt..the moment when you said "if you say so", that you are 200% fall for me too. God knows, i was the happiest man on the planet at that time..and still is, baby.
i'm loving you in the way that no one can explain, not even me. I have a very deep feeling, and i've placed my love towards you in the deepest part of my heart. Your loving heart, the way you carry yourself and the ones you love, the way when you are mad with me, all these things earns a very special part in my memories of you..of us. 
I'm sorry that i always hurting you for the way i am. I'm still trying to make myself a man that deserves to be called your lawful husband...but you are hurt, countless time. You are afraid for not understanding me, and i wish that i can show you my heart, the heart that i use to place my love to you.
I want to show you the wonderful world that i've imagined for us to be, our world. I love you, and i want you to be happy..with me.
I cant ever let you go..and if i am to, that means i have found a better man for you..a man that can take care of you better than me, a man that can loves you as much as me, a man that can always show you the happiness in the world, a man that always be there for you..the man that was in your dream, the man that you want to be married.
 I wish nothing but happiness for you my love, and i'm praying that i can be that man for you, and if not all, at least i can be that man that you gladly call your husband with love..i pray to God that it is me...